Advice from the Recruitment Experts

We know that job hunting can be a minefield and it can be hard to stay positive especially in the current climate. In our latest Goho from Home we wanted to bring the experts to you. 

Whether you are in work now and looking to progress or change career direction, or you are actively job seeking, this webinar will help you to understand how to write an eye catching CV & how to progress in your job search.

The aim of this session is to give you some valuable information but in an easily digestible manner. 

Who is speaking?

Stacey Karlsson, the MD of Goho will lead the discussion with Subhan Uddin and Charlotte Johns.

Subhan has over 15 years experience in recruitment. He has helped everyone from recent grads to board level executives secure their dream job in a diverse range of organisations. Charlotte is a seasoned HR and recruitment specialist with 20 years experience. They will be sharing their wealth of experience and advice and answering any of your questions.

What we’ll discuss?

  • What do you think are the biggest mistakes people make during their job search and how can they correct them? 

  • How to highlight our most relevant skills, experience and career goals?

  • What advice would you give someone in the job market right now?

  • What steps should someone take to make their CV stand out? 

  • How can you stay motivated during your job search? 

Who should attend 

This is a ‘must-see’ webinar for job seekers, whether you are in work now and looking to progress or change career direction, or perhaps you are on a career break and you need to update and refresh your CV.