
What is it about?

This webinar, brought to you by Goho (the team who throws the best parties and events around!) is all about looking after your wellbeing.

We’ll offer advice on staying mentally healthy, reducing stress and anxiety, exercise, eating, boosting your immune systems and creating a healthy work/ life balance when it’s all happening under the same roof. 

We also discuss how you can best support your employees and teams mental wellbeing.

Who is speaking?

Stacey Karlsson, the MD of Goho will lead the discussion with Rachel Jenkins and Jess McKee all throwing their virtual hat in the ring to give some advice, and of course answer any questions you may have.

What we'll cover?

  • What are your top tips on staying mentally healthy during this time?

  • How can I support my employees' mental wellbeing?

  • What advice can you give on exercise, eating and boosting your immune system?

  • How can I reduce my stress, fear and anxiety?

  • How do I juggle work, family and me when we're all in the same space OR how can I feel less isolated and lonely when I live alone ?

Who is it for?

Anyone running a business or managing a team.